I Love Him More Than Sunshine and Rainbows

One major member of my sandbox that I haven’t mentioned much is my wonderful handsome husband, Jeremy.  I’ve been wanting to post this for a little over a week but didn’t quite know how to approach it…still don’t. But I do know that I don’t want to bruise his ego and usually when a woman gushes over her man, that’s usually what ends up happening even though that wasn’t her intent. So babe…please know the heart from which this post comes and forgive me if, in any moment of this post, I make you sound like a pansy!! 🙂

May every woman on earth be lucky enough to have a husband like the one God has blessed me with. We’ve been through so much and the Jeremy and Lizbeginning of our relationship was a little unorthodox but God’s grace has carried us so far and made us both better people and better spouses.  I hope I make him want to be a better man…because he so is. Jeremy came home from work the other day, changed clothes, put in his iPod headphones and started cleaning…without being asked…or the subject of cleaning even being subtly mentioned. He took out the trash, did the dishes AND cleaned the kitchen. You women out there know the difference between an empty sink AND a clean kitchen…the two are not one and the same!! 🙂 After that he moved to our bedroom. Let me preface this by saying that we moved in at the beginning of April and I still have not had a chance to un-pack, and clean our bedroom. It looked like a tornado hit it until that day. He unpacked everything…cleaned out the closet…cleaned off our dresser…hung up my mirror over the dresser…put away the clothes…etc. It was AWESOME!! I fell more in love with him that day. Then memorial day he stayed home with three of our four girls and when I came home from work the house was spotless…having three toddlers home all day with a clean house doesn’t add up. These are just a couple of examples…he does things like this for me all the time. He never ceases to amaze me…in fact, I wish there was a way to describe the extent of my amazement. There isn’t.

Helping me out around the house isn’t the only reason he’s the most wonderful man I know. Jeremy never stops telling me how much he loves me or affirming me and our marriage. He sends me text messages and e-mails all the time telling me how thankful he is for me and how beautiful I am. It’s amazing to be loved like that. I never have been. He sent me an e-mail about a month ago that I still read from time to time titled ‘Why I love you.’ He had been working on it for a little over a week. The body of the e-mail was a list of 118 reasons why he loves me. Who does that? Even today he sent me a text message that said “I miss you.” That’s all it said.

I love this man so much and I wonder if he has ANY idea HOW much. I’ve never had anybody put my needs before they’re own…take care of me so well…trust me so much…and love me the way I deserve to be loved. He loves me like Jesus loves the church. He loves me the way God commanded him to love me. I am SO thankful. Thank you Hansome…you’re my everything. I love you more than sunshine and rainbows!! 🙂

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Separation Anxiety…

So Jeremy is at home with the girls today and I decided to bring them lunch from McDonalds. He said he hasn’t had any problems with them all day. They’ve been playing together and having fun…not acting up or anything. I went home and we all ate lunch together around the table…I was asking how their day was going. Before I knew it they were all having melt downs and vying for my attention while asking why I had to go back to work (I wish I didn’t). I loved on them for a little bit, brushed all their hair and put it up…poor Jeremy hasn’t figured out the whole hair thing, but I don’t mind, I like doing it. 🙂 And by the time I left the house we had put them all down for a nap and all three of them were crying for their mommy from their separate beds (it was so sad). Sometimes I get frustrated because of the crying and clinginess at nap time or at moments of separation. I’d much rather leave them with smiles on their faces…it’s much easier. And it’s in those monents of frustration that I need to remind myself that they only do that because they love me so much and would much rather be with me than without me.  

So moms, in moments where you’re frustrated because your kids are throwing tantrums when you have to leave, just remind yourself that it’s because they love you so much and that this just happens to be the way they decide to show it at the moment. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather be the mom they hate to see go than the mom that kids don’t like to be around!! 🙂

I’m a very proud mommy who loves my girls…and they must love me too… 🙂

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“Can I smell you bwef Abby?”

Well friends…I have to say that the whole ‘re-do’ system has been working WONDERFUL since my last post…Emma can’t get enough of it…she actually hasn’t thrown hardly any fits this week and has constantly been polite without even having to have a re-do. She’s been using her big girl voice and saying please and thank you for EVERYTHING. It’s like having a new child…And I think because of it she feels more free to talk, period…she has been talking constantly and asking questions but always with respect…it’s totally cool. And she’s so proud of herself too. Abby’s the same way although she doesn’t quite get it completely. Every time she’s had an attitude with me and I’ve said re-do, she’s said the EXACT same thing in the EXACT same way, only she follows it up with the word ‘please.’ It’s pretty darn hilarious…But she’ll get it. 🙂

mommy and girls

Today we took all four girls to the zoo. It was so much fun. They were just running around like crazy…and as I was watching them I realized they are just all growing up so fast. I get excited and bummed all at the same time. Anyway…we stayed for a few hours and we all had a lot of fun. And while I remembered to apply sunscreen to the girls twice I forgot to apply it to myself. So, I’m burned…and will be in pain for a couple of days…but it was worth it.My four beauties

Maggie who turns two in July has been trying to potty train herself I think. She’s been telling me she needs to ‘potty’ and runs to the restroom. Most of the time she goes a lot…and has a dry diaper…other times the diaper is wet but she still goes…like she’s stopped herself until she gets to the potty. Then there are a few times she just goes in there to sit for a few minutes and says ‘all done.’ It’s very cute. I couldn’t be more excited because if she’s starting now and she isn’t even two yet…I’m thinking this ought to be pretty easy. But I’m not  gonna push her. She’ll be ready for the real training soon enough…but she definitely knows what she’s supposed to be doing and that’s the hardest part.

So a funny story real quick before I sign off…I was giving Abby her medicine earlier before I put the girls down for bed and Emma looks at her in all seriousness and says ‘can I smell you bwef (breath)Abby?’ When Abby told her no, Emma asks ‘Why? It smells weally (really) good.’ I finally determined that she just wanted to smell Abby’s medicine…she was happy with getting to smell the bottle!! 🙂 Kids are so funny!


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Can I have a re-do please?…

I spent half the morning today arguing with everyone at work over who the best finalist was on Idol this season (tonight was the season finale). Of course everyone said Adam…but frankly, I can’t stand that man’s incessant screaming…it’s flat annoying!! I have to admit that I didn’t like Kris at first but over a few weeks span he began growing on me and eventually won me over. Maybe it’s his style of music or maybe his voice sounds more melodic to me or maybe it’s because he seems so down to earth…but whatever the reason I have been hoping he would win the competition. My co-workers were fervent in their opposition.  But I told them…I told them what was going to happen…and once again…I was RIGHT!! Woo-hoo! I LOVE being right! And now…I get to gloat in the morning! Nah-na-na-na-na-nah!! :p Sorry…just had to mention all that…it’s gonna be a great moment for me…I’m gonna enjoy it  🙂

Abby is sick today…she’s been running a fever since last night at her Dad’s. Stephanie told me it was 102. They took her to the doctor today because she didn’t seem to be having any other symptoms but fever…I had mentioned to Steph that she could have a UTI or something so they took her in to get it checked out. They won’t have her urine culture back until Friday. The doctor went ahead and started her on an antibiotic though…so hopefully we’ll get this taken care of. I only worry because Tylenol and Motrin aren’t keeping her fever down like they normally do. I mean it’s not doing ANYTHING…not even lowering it a tenth of a degree. She was also complaining earlier that her back hurt. When I asked her where she put her hands right where her kidneys are. So I guess a kidney infection could be the culprit…I just don’t know if that would show up in a urine culture…surely it would though…right? I’m keeping her home tomorrow to make sure she gets more rest…it should be fun just the two of us.

When I got the girls home today I sat them down and we had a little talk. We’ve been having trouble with Abby’s attitude and talking back…and being demanding…she’s like a teenager trapped in a 5 yr old’s body…it’s scary… 🙂 And we’ve been having trouble with Emma because of temper tantrums and having screaming melt-downs instead of talking and using her big girl words when she wants something or when she get’s angry. She has issues with working out her emotions in an acceptable manner… So I decided to implement a ‘re-do’ system. Instead of getting angry with the girls when I get attitude or demands from Abby or temper tantrum melt downs from Emma…I’m just gonna look at them and say ‘re-do.’ This will give them a chance to say what they want to say, only  in a more respectful, calmed-down manner (a re-do). Because kids want to be sweet and respectful and they want to be heard and understood (they don’t particularly LIKE throwing screaming fits). They just don’t know how to deal with their emotions like adults do. I’m hoping this will give everyone a chance to learn how to handle they’re emotions…even me. See even Mommy gets a re-do when I lose my temper and say things to the girls out of anger.

We put the system into effect right away and it worked AWESOME all evening long. Abby told me to get her a drink of water…I looked at her and said ‘Abby, re-do baby.’ She looked up at me with her sweet baby blues and said, ‘Mommy, can you get me a drink of water, please?’ It was AWESOME! I scooped her up, gave her a big ol’ hug and let her know how proud of her I was. My little Ems started screaming when Maggie took a puzzle piece from her. I said ‘re-d0’ and she stopped (with only a hint of whining) and said ‘Mommy, Maggie took my puzzle and I want it back please.’ Woo-stinkin’-hoo!! I was most excited about this feat cause, let me tell ya…it usually takes an act of congress to get that girl to calm down. So I gave her a big hug too and praised her for being a big girl and controlling herself. And those are just two examples…they really did fantastic.

I’m not naive in thinking that the old behavior isn’t going to shine through now and again but hopefully as long as mommy doesn’t get angry right away and gives them a chance to correct themselves first, they’ll soon learn that things will work much more efficiently when we’re respectful of one another. I’ll keep you posted on how it works as time goes on…please pray that it works…I feel confident it will over time. Maybe some of you need something like this in your home. Please try it and let me know how it works out for you. Until next time


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And so ends another day…

Well friends…today was pretty much uneventful at work. And when we got home I decided to heed my own advice from yesterday’s post and just play with Hannah and Mags and let everything else take a back seat!! It was awesome! We played and played. They brushed my hair and got it everywhere and tangled…Maggie would brush my bangs with her ‘Barbie’ brush and say ‘iss ishy’ which translated means ‘it’s pretty!’  All the while the girls are fighting over my head position. Hannah says ‘look down’ and pushes my head down so she can reach my pony tail. Maggie is much shorter and says ‘no! up!’ and yanks it up by my cheeks!! Then Hannah says ‘down!’ and throws it back down and then Maggie yells ‘up!’ and again yanks my head up by my chin and cheeks…I let this continue for awhile because I was incapacitated with laughter! They crack me up! After that the three of us were tickling the crap out of each other and blowing raspberry’s on each other (tell me you all know what that is). Maggie’s raspberry’s are just a big lick cause she can’t make her lips flap together like that yet-LOL! Then we played airplane…I had them on my back swinging them around and making airplane noises…They were just laughing and squealing (the most amazing sound in the world)! Now…my back hurts, I’m coughing and horse but I had a blast and would do it all over again!!

So, I look across the room as I type and see the pile of clean towels on my love-seat just waiting for me to fold and put away. And, honestly, I couldn’t care less…actually I’m quite proud of that pile. They will still be there tomorrow and if for some reason I don’t wake up tomorrow, there will be no regrets…I used my time the best way I know how.  Who wants to fold towels anyway when you have the opportunity to stop…and hear the laughter!


(Just a side note: I am going to HAVE to find the time to fold them tomorrow cause it really is driving me crazy…but I still don’t regret it!!) – LOL

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Welcome to my sandbox…

So I decided to start a blog to record all those crazy moments in my life that you always want to share but can’t always seem to remember when you go to tell it!! Anyone else have moments like that?  Besides, everyone I love has one…my husband…my bff…well…two people I love anyway…and I’m sure there will be more in the near future!! 🙂 I chose to call it “The Sandbox” because it perfectly describes my life. It’s a mess, imperfect, crowded, sometimes uncomfortable but ALWAYS fun and a place most kids, like myself (hehe), never want to get out of. So, these will be excerpts from my life that will hopefully touch someone, show someone God’s grace, make someone laugh, or give someone a little perspective on their own life. Welcome to my sandbox…

It’s amazing to me how kids can become so attached to their siblings at such a young age.  There are days in the midst of all the chaotic madness where we just have Maggie by herself. Normally when she’s with her sisters, she’s always busy playing with them and you hardly ever see her…she’s running around or hanging out with the other three in their bedrooms or outside playing in the backyard. But when she’s by herself it’s a whole different story. She’s always kissing on me, hugging on me, and crawling all over me. Her love language is DEFINITELY personal touch…she thrives on it. But while she’s giving her loves she is constantly asking for her sisters…now hold on…let me get this right…”Wha Hay-nah?”, “Wha Ah-bee?”, “Wha Moh-ma?” It’s crazy…and it breaks my heart every time because I realize that I’m not alone in my longing for them…in being lost without them. Maggie is too. It’s unbelievable how much they all love each other and miss each other when the others aren’t around. I absolutely LOVE that!! It means that we are doing right by them…that their relationships are strong. I just pray they all stay this close…I fear the teenage years when they’re fighting over clothes, friends, make-up, jewelry…boys…heaven help us!! I’m just going to enjoy these moments now while I still have them. I was really having a hard time the other day…well for about a week or so…a week of tears over Abby turning five and starting Kindergarten. My baby…five…in school…wow. Where does time go? I was having a breakdown at work and my boss told me to ‘hold ’em while you still can and enjoy it because before you know it those moments will be few and far between.’ That’s the best advice I’ve heard in a long time. So I’m gonna take my hugs and kisses while I still can and give more than I get…worry a little less about the house and laundry…and live up these moments where my daughters think I’m the greatest and they still love each other more than clothes, make-up, and boys!! 🙂


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